Antique Sleighs

red & green sleigh

Red & Green Sleigh

party sleigh

Party Sleigh

fancy box cutter - front

Fancy Box Cutter - front

fancy box cutter - back

Fancy Box Cutter - back

mustard & red sleigh

Mustard & Red Sleigh

market sleigh

Market Sleigh

green sleigh without doors

Green Sleigh - without doors

green sleigh with spice

Green Sleigh - with doors

black racing cutter

Black Racing Cutter

maroon party sleigh

Maroon Party Sleigh

black racing cutter with blue seat

Black Racing Cutter - with blue seat

patten leather dash

Patten Leather Dash

tip top sleigh with gold seat

Tip Top Sleigh - with gold seat

tip top sleigh with green seat

Tip Top Sleigh - with green seat

black horse cutter front

Black Horse Cutter - front

black horse cutter back

Black Horse Cutter - back

alany cutter front

Albany Cutter - front

albany cutter side

Albany Cutter - side

wicker sleigh & daisy

Wicker Sleigh

wicker & Johnny

Wicker Sleigh

carriages.png wagons.png sleighs.png carts.png
period_props.png movie_scenes.png horse_jumps.png contact_info.png